2024 LGBTQ+ JOC Shabbaton Registration Form

The Keshet Neshamot/Rainbow Souls Shabbaton: A Retreat of Radiant Belonging

Proudly planned by The JOC Mishpacha Project and Keshet
February 16-18, 2024

This event is currently at capacity. Please fill out this form to be put on the waitlist!
Keshet and JOC Mishmacha Project logos

This event is for adults age 18 or older

This is an 18+ event, meaning anyone under the age of 18 will not be able to join. If you wish to be connected with a Keshet staff member to discuss additional programming for QJOC youth, feel free to drop your info and/or suggestion here

This is an 18+ Shabbaton for all those who identify as being both LGBTQ+ Jews and People of Color.
Contact Information

Shabbaton Registration Information

**Accommodations for any dietary needs requested after January 15th may not be guaranteed**

Keshet takes accessibility requests seriously and will make every effort to accommodate them. However, please be advised that accommodation requests received less than 30 days prior to the event may be subject to limitations and may not be guaranteed. We appreciate your understanding and encourage early submission of accessibility requests to enhance our ability to provide comprehensive support.

***You do not need to have your travel plans finalized to request a travel scholarship. Once you complete your forms, guidelines for booking travel to and from the Shabbaton will be emailed to you.***


Emergency Contact

Tell us about yourself! 

Self-identification is important, and we understand that we each have our own understanding of the words used to describe our own experiences.

So that we can best honor your identity and experiences, please describe how you identify in the free response boxes AND select (as many as you want) from the lists below.

***We recognize that identities are diverse and multifaceted. Your response to these questions will be used solely for the purpose of creating an inclusive and respectful space for all participants***