2024 LGBTQ+ JOC Shabbaton Interest Form

Keshet Neshamot / Rainbow Souls Shabbaton

February 16-18, 2024
Pearlstone Retreat Center, Baltimore, Maryland

Proudly planned by The JOC Mishpacha Project and Keshet

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The 2024 QJOC Shabbaton Registration form will be open soon!
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For Attendees

We recommend searching Google Flights for flights to airports near the Shabbaton to see how much flights currently cost. We will be in touch 6-8 weeks before the Shabbaton with more information about your travel scholarship.

Some More About You

Self-identification is important, and we understand that we each have our own understanding of the words used to describe our own experiences. So that we can best honor your identity and experiences, please describe how you identify in the free response box AND select (as many as you want) from the lists below.

We recognize that identities are diverse and multifaceted. Your response to this question will be used solely for the purpose of creating an inclusive and respectful space for all participants.

Listed in alphabetical order