Education & Training Post-Training Survey

Thank you for working to make your community a more affirming place for LGBTQ individuals! Keshet is always looking for feedback and ways to improve our programs, so we would love to hear your perspective, via this short evaluation of our training session.


Your response is confidential and most survey answers are reviewed in the aggregate. Individual responses can be viewed by select Keshet staff.


For information about each training and what is covered, please read our Core Training portfolio.

Post-Training Survey
Before completing this training, how much did you know about the topics covered?
Nothing A little Some A great deal
As a result of the training, how much did you learn about the following subject areas:
Nothing A little Some A great deal N/A

How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Thank you for working to make your community a more affirming place for LGBTQ individuals! Keshet is always looking for feedback and ways to improve our programs, so we would love to hear your perspective, via  this short evaluation of our training session. 

Your response is confidential and most survey answers are reviewed in the aggregate. Individual responses can be viewed by select Keshet staff.
Post-General Presentation Survey
How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Demographic Information